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More about RainbowMarks Photography and Chris Hammond

Chris Hammond of RainbowMarks PhotographyRainbowMarks Photography is a project from Chris Hammond. The name RainbowMarks comes from Rainbow Landmarks, one of the great (if I do say so myself) photos I’ve taken was the photo here on this page of the Sydney Opera House on a trip to Australia in 2012.

The double rainbow presented itself over the harbor and I couldn’t resist running around to get the perfect angle on the Opera House. A couple of years later, while visiting San Francisco, I happened to catch a rainbow over the Golden Gate Bridge.

The combination of these two events and the works produced gave us the name to use for our photography business.

Do you have an event (bike, car, running, crossfit) that you would like me to attend? Feel free to reach out and see if schedules align.

I hope you enjoy my work!

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